
Early Days

The Beginning

On June 26th, 1957, Robert Wilson made the first handheld pocket calculator in his room. Selling it for $600 dollars he managed to fund a business venture into the computer market, and with all his investor money he built up a factory and named it his company TRIAD Computers, people say it's due to his three mottos Reliabity, Productivy and give the world a reason to remember us!

The first calulator factory was established in Crossplains $^%&#& USA. What started as a solo venture turned into an industrial operation, 100 employees all working at stations.


CEO 1957-1974 1985-Present

From 1957 to 1974, Robert Wilson was the sole owner of TRIAD Computers, and oversaw devlopment of the TC-57 though TC-74.

However as the times grew quick our beloved and late CEO Jack Jacobs, A life long employee of the company, Who started from a manufacturing role, manager then CEO. From 1974-1985, He oversaw the major growth of the company, which lead to more jobs for all. However, tragically his life was taken short before he could secure company stability.

1986 was a rough year for the company, poor leadership lead the company into bankruptcy. As such the company went dormant, and many workers lost their jobs.

However a spark relit, the original founder Robert Wilson came back to the company in 1996 and has since relit the fire that was lost. Now Triad International Computers. Where he says, "We make the world TIC". The vast array of projects from before now possible for the world, such as an autonomous machine learning systems and robots that learn your daily routine.
